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The Awakening Youth Conference was originally established in 2018 and has continued to have a growing impact on the lives of many young people. With the heart to follow God's lead for His movement, the Awakening Youth Conference continues to serve His heart for this generation to see greater transformation in and through our lives. 

All for His glory! Learn more about our story below...




"God has been moving in powerful ways in the Hebrides over the years, especially amongst our young people. In our church at Martins Memorial we were recognising a deeper hunger, pursuit and passion from the young people to know more of God and through this become more aware of their identities in Him. In times of fellowship when our young people would gather to worship, pray, seek more of God, we knew there was something significant at work.


During this time, I was witnessing first hand the mark was making on the lives of the young people, but I also knew that there was something greater at work. In a time of seeking God for how he could continue to follow God's leading in these significant days and partner with Him for what was yet to come, God opened my eyes to the greater vision in His heart to establish these moments in His glory into a movement for this generation to know greater transformation in and through there lives. Immediately I sensed the vision of the Awakening Youth Conference, initially looking to run this locally for our young people, that was until God communicated His sense that I was to "extend the invitation to the nation." This is when I realised this wasn't just something to run for our own youth, but something God was wanting to take to young people across the nation. This is when the Awakening Youth Conference was born.


We held our first conference in 2019. Over 70 young people gathered from across the islands and the presence of God came down. Hearts were touched, lives were changed and young people were transformed by the love of Jesus. The vision behind the Awakening Youth Conference is "to see young people awakened to who they are and whose they are." We were already seeing this being activated from the first official launch of the conference.


Since then, we have seen God move mightily through this movement. Our most recent conference in April 2023, we saw a significant move of God. Every young person, adult and volunteer who were gathered were tangibly marked with a touch of God's glory that meant many could never be the same again. We knew the reality that as much as we were preparing to meet with God, He was waiting to meet with us.


God has a significant hand over this generation. I believe that although this is a trialling time for many to stand up for their faith as a teenager, this is the most significant time to be known as a follower of Jesus. I believe God is equipping and enabling His sons and daughters to be awakened to the reality of His presence, the power of their identity and the glorious testimony that will follow from their surrendered 'yes' to Him.


We are but another day closer to the move God is preparing us for. I believe that as much as we are praying for a move in this generation, God is ready to answer this prayer through them.


Next year, we will gather in Perth. Our first Awakening Youth Conference to run on the mainland, following God's leading. We would love for you to join us, join this movement and the more that God is inviting us into. 






We are created in God's image to reflect Him to others

We believe in the fact that God created us to be His creation. We believe that we can live our lives to know and reflect our creator, so that others can see the significance of their lives and the Father who loves them.


We believe and worship the trinity of God

We believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and recognise the importance and significance to worship each part of the trinity. We know that God invites us to a deeper relationship with Him to know more of His love and the difference it can make in us.


We are committed to the great commission to be Jesus' disciples

We believe that the great commission Jesus gave the disciples is the same invitation for us today. We believe that God has called each one of us to live for Him and live with Him. To see more of His kingdom advanced on earth as it is in heaven.

“I encountered God's presence in such a powerful way that changed my life. I wasn't the same when I came to Awakening, but I am leaving this conference forever changed."
"During worship I felt God come and set me free from the fear I was struggling with.
I now feel His peace and I thank God for the victory He has given me."
“I was in a very bad place not long before Awakening. I was ready to end it all. But when I came to Awakening, Jesus met me, saved me and I feel so full of joy and free in Him.”
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